21 WEEKS AND COUNTING: 20 Week Ultrasound, Zoey Comes to Visit, and the Kiwis Head to Michigan

Time is flying by it seems!  The girls and I had our 20 week appointment and ultrasound (aka "the big one") this past week and all went perfectly.  The girls are growing right on schedule both are measuring about 1 foot in length from head to toe (based on measurements and some educated speculation, A is 13 oz and B is 12 oz).  Both of their hearts and brains look great and the ultrasound tech even commented everything looked "textbook".


We also learned that A and B have switched roles.  New A (formerly B) is now first in line for delivery so she takes the A spot.  Nevertheless, their little personalities seem consistent.  B (formerly A) is our little performer and mover.  A seems much more inclined to kick back -- she also seems a bit stubborn, not wanting to move when and like the tech wanted her to.

Also, this past week the Henson family came to visit!  Zoey, our 14 month old niece, took her first flight and (for the most part) did pretty good.



Ok -- back to the Kiwis ...

My belly grows more EVERYDAY!  My biggest complaint thus far in this pregnancy is being tired.  These girls wear me out and they aren't even here yet!  Here is a "bump" (but way bigger than just a bump) picture at 21 weeks!

We spent the weekend in up state Michigan for our friends Emily and Matt's wedding.  This is the girls third trip so far in womb (4th if you count Australia when we didn't know they were there) and, so far, they have been pretty cooperative little travelers (we don't expect this to continue outside the womb though!).


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