Five Days in...

The girls are 5 days old and continue to do well.  As all babies do, they have lost a little weight post birth but are well on their way to gaining it back.  Charlie is just 2 oz under birth weight and Vivi is just 1 oz under birth weight.

The girls also had their first fight -- it was hilarious.  During a little kangaroo time on Mommy's chest, Charlie thought it would be fun to kick and push Vivi.  Charlie managed to work her little feet up to Vivi's chest and wouldn't stop kicking her.  She wanted her space apparently.  Vivi seemed oblivious to it all and we found it hysterical.  Charlie was "punished" and made to roll over so her back would be toward Vivi until she was able to play nice.

Here are some more pictures of the girls:  



Aunt Rachel and Charlie                                 Aunt Rachel and Vivi

Charlie peeking out of her swaddle.                                      Charlie being adorable.

Hey, Charlie -- make an evil elf face!  

Nailed it .  

                          Vivi and Daddy                                            Vivi ponders life and what it all means.

Vivi bilirubin levels were elevated (meaning she's a little jaundice) so she needed to spend a few days on a light -- or as we say, a few nights in the nightclub.  This is not uncommon in preemies and even full term newborns.  
