Where have the last 20 weeks gone??


If you are on Instagram, be sure to follow our Instagram feed for pics of the girls -- look for us at: LaughingAtOurOwnJokes

Here is what the girls have been up to...

First Valentines Day!

14 weeks in / 14 weeks out!

16 Weeks!

Hanging out with Aunt Rach!

Just doing baby stuff...



Turned 4 Months Old on March 1st 
(I guess -- because there was no February 29th.  You'll notice we refer to them in weeks a lot because we find months arbitrary.  Technically, the girls are 20 weeks old today but are still 4 months old.  If they had been born in another month perhaps, the way the weeks fall could make them 5 months old at this point.  Something we absolutely never thought about until we had kids and particularly preemie kids where development over weeks matters.)  


Went on our first road trip to visit Grammy and Grandpa!

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit in Chicago!


Just doing some more baby stuff!



Charlie and her faces!

Taking Walks!

