Big Month -- lots to update everyone about!

Ok...lots to cover.  We tried to go in chronological order.

The girls are FIVE MONTHS OLD!  

Things the girls love:
- bath time
- waking up first thing in the morning to see Mommy and Daddy
- sweet potatoes and bananas 
- music, but mostly Adele
- reading
- their links and giraffe popper toy

Things they hate:
- nap time
- getting out of the bath
- sitting in traffic
- really loud noises (like Daddy sneezing)

Things we love:
- they sleep through the night
- are all around good, happy babies
- how funny they are
- everything -- because they are the best!

Things they can do:
- hold their heads up for lengthy periods of time
- roll over
- sit up with assistance and on their own for a brief moment or two (they can't put themselves in the seated position yet though)
- grab toys without missing
- lots of oh, coos, and other noises
- recognize faces

How big are they?
Charlie is a little over 24 inches long and weighs about 13 lbs.  Vivi is almost 25 inches long and weighs just over 14 lbs.  Both of the girls are small for their actual age (Charlie is in the 4th percentile and Vivi is in the 25th percentile), but are right on track for their "adjusted age" (which is based on their due date).  It's very common to use a preemie's gestational age/adjusted age when looking at their developmental skills and size.  The girls actual age is 23 weeks old, but their adjusted age is 17 weeks (about 3 1/2 months).   Developmentally the girls are NOT adjusted and are able to do all the things expected of a 5 month old!  We are so proud of them!





Charlie's many hilarious faces!

The girls started SOLIDS.  
Some hits -- some misses.  So far sweet potatoes and bananas are the big winners!








They have become more aware of each other which is adorable.  
They don't look for each other when the other isn't there but they do smile at each other and interact.  

New onesies from Aunt Rach!
Go together like peas and carrots ... the cheese to my macaroni! 






First trip to the zoo!

Lunching with Great Aunt Pat and Great Uncle Marty!

Merchandise Mart!

First boat ride!



Lunch in Chinatown!
